Dernières nouvelles

Sierra Leone okays bill to ban child marriage

Sierra Leone has passed a historic bill to ban child marriage across the country. Save the Children was part of the campaign to criminalise the widespread practice. Save the Children Sierra Leone Country Director, Patrick Analo, said this is a historic moment and an extraordinary achievement for children across the country who have campaigned for their rights. In his words, […]

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African Union Commission Hosts 2024 International Women’s Day Virtual Policy Dialogue on How Women’s Leadership Strengthens Health Systems in Africa

The AU Commission (AUC), under the leadership of the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development held a virtual policy dialogue titled, “Closing the Gap: How Women’s Leadership Strengthens Health Systems in Africa,” to commemorate the 2024 International Women’s Day on Friday 08 March from 10 am – 12noon (GMT+3). Speakers included Ms. Prudence Ngwenya Director of Women, Gender, […]

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Outcomes of the African Union Summit in 7 Points

Official decisions of the just-ended African Union Summit will not be available for several weeks as per the practice, but based on intel, comments by delegations, and corridors discussions, here are what seem to be the 7 key outcomes of the Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from the 14th – 18th February 2024. The theme of the Summit and […]

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À propos de nous

En 2002, les Premières Dames d'Afrique se sont réunies pour former l'Organisation des Premières Dames d'Afrique contre le VIH/SIDA (OAFLA), avec l'objectif d'être une voix unie pour les citoyens africains les plus vulnérables, à savoir les femmes et les enfants vivant avec et affectés par le VIH et le SIDA. Au fil des ans, l'OAFLA a évolué pour devenir une institution capable d'offrir un leadership à l'échelle du continent en termes de plaidoyer dans les domaines du VIH et d'un large éventail d'interventions en matière de santé maternelle et infantile.

General assembly theme of the year 2024

Educate Her and Transform Africa:

Enhancing access to health and education for the 21st century's African Women and girls

Nos partenaires

L'Organisation des Premières Dames d'Afrique pour le Développement s'associe à des organisations partageant les mêmes idées afin de promouvoir le travail en collaboration et d'encourager l'engagement des parties prenantes dans les programmes de développement.


OAFLAD's 20th Anniversary Celebration 2023


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