Official decisions of the just-ended African Union Summit will not be available for several weeks as per the practice,...
2023 Global First Ladies Academy. Training that took place in New York from 10-13 July 2023 at Colombia University
African First Ladies celebrate 20 years anniversary of OAFLAD in Kinshasa, DRC on 17 June 2023. The event was...
H.E Mrs Monica Geingos First Lady of the Republic of Namibia and President of OAFLAD met with the Federal...
Lancement de l'initiative Education Plus par les chefs d'État africains Lusaka, Zambie 17 juillet 2022
|NouvellesAfrican Leaders meeting at the 4th mid-year coordination meeting of the Africa Union held have endorsed the Education Plus...
The First Lady of China, H.E Prof Peng Liyuan, sent medical supplies to African countries through OAFLAD to support...
Lors de la réunion de haut niveau sur les maladies non transmissibles à l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies en 2018, mon prédécesseur, Son Excellence...
La campagne Free To Shine est menée par l'Organisation des Premières Dames Africaines pour le Développement (OAFLAD) et le...