As the UNAIDS Special Ambassador for the Empowerment and Engagement of Young People in Botswana, the First Lady of the Republic of Botswana, Mrs. Neo Jane Masisi has been engaged in strong advocacy for HIV prevention, treatment care and support programmes for Adolescents and Young People (AYP).
The First Lady was compelled to devise a different way of reaching out to this cohort, as numbers pointed to the fact that AYP made up about half of new infections , even more disturbing was the fact that the majority were female. It was felt that in order to start addressing this problem holistically, engagement should be at a multi sectoral level involving communities and key stakeholders.
During 2019, a campaign “Dipalametse’ was hence born, in partnership with the two lead agencies being UNAIDS on HIV and AIDS and
National AIDS and Health Promotion Agency (NAHPA). Dipalametse means, going on a high tempo or going on an ascent and runs under the theme “The Last Sprint Towards Ending AIDS by 2030”. In order to ensure a holistic approach, all three core groups i.e. the AYP (being the primary target for behavior change), community leadership ( being the apparent source for guidance and mentorship) and the general public were engaged in dialogues addressed by the First Lady and her contingent.
The approach recognizes that sustained change can only take place if all are involved and there is collective action in addressing any form of social ill. The locations visited were locations where there were highest HIV prevalence rates existed. Dialogue sessions addressed behavioral and structural issues as key determinants of HIV infection amongst AYP, with a special focus on Teenage pregnancy, Gender-Based Violence, Alcohol and Drug Use, Inter-Generational relationships and decay in family values. Innovative ideas such as Dipalametse roadshows are necessary to revive and ensure visibility of HIV prevention programmes if the country is to end AIDS by2030.