In 2002, First Ladies of Africa came together to form the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA), with the objective to be a united voice for Africa’s most susceptible citizens; women and children living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. Along the years, OAFLA has evolved to become an institution that is able to offer a continent-wide leadership in terms of advocacy in the areas of HIV and a broad range of maternal and child health intervention. OAFLA currently named as the Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) is an advocacy organization where First Ladies of Africa seek to leverage their unique position to advocate for policies that make health services accessible and laws that boost women and youth empowerment. First Ladies of Africa reinforce favorable policies and programs through advocacy, resource mobilization and development of partnerships with all stakeholders at all levels. First Ladies engage in various community-level activities to sensitize community and create awareness on health risks and policies.


To contribute to the health and well-being of children, youth and women through advocacy, resource mobilization and strategic partnerships.


A developed Africa with healthy and empowered children, youth and women.

Core Values


We uphold honesty and strong moral principles in all decisions and actions in implementing programs.


We uphold openness in all activities and provision of  service


We promote and practice a participatory approach in the conduct os all activities and operations of OAFLAD


We reflect the richness of our continent and diverse cultures.


We demonstrate initiative and responsiveness to changing trends in issues of development in the continent.


We commit to adopt and adhere to systems and processes that promote the achievement of set objectives during the implementation of OAFLAD programs.


We uphold the highest level of equity by treating all stakeholders without any discrimination or whatsoever.


We engage in partnerships with a common goal to improve the lives of vulnerable populations.


We commit to demonstrate and take responsibility in all decisions and actions as well as accountable for resources made available.


We commit to uphold ethics and high standards of excellence in working with all stakeholders and in our routine operations.

Theme of the year 2020

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: A Pathway to the Africa We Want


Nardos Berhanu

Executive Secretary

Ledet Teka

Senior Programs Officer

Seifemichael Shewangzaw

Finance Officer

Yabsera Daniel

Finance & Administration Assistant

Sharufa Amisi

Communication’s Lead


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