AUDA-NEPAD, in collaboration with NORAD and the “Guri Vie Meilleure” Foundation, initiated the Climate Change Support Program for Women Farmers (GCCASP).

The “Guri Vie Meilleure” Foundation is an implementing agency for the sub-component “Gender and practices of smart agriculture in the face of climate change effects in the Tahoua region”. This project aims to develop new adaptation strategies, but also to improve the capacity of women farmers to minimize shocks due to the effects of climate change.

The project Gender and Practice of Smart Agriculture in response to the effects of climate change is implemented by the Foundation “Guri vie meilleure” with 50 women beneficiaries on an area of two (2) hectares.

To contribute to improving food security and the resilience of populations to the effects of climate change.

• Take stock of the effects of climate change on agriculture, natural resources and strategies developed.
• Organize women in local management structures;
• Facilitate access to inputs and funding sources.
• Capacity building of women farmers on composting, water and soil conservation techniques / Soil protection and restoration and Sustainable Land Management.
• Capacity building of women in local processing techniques and conservation of agricultural and animal products.

• Access to inputs and sources of financing is facilitated; 50 women farmers’ capacities are strengthened on composting, water and soil
conservation/soil protection and restoration and sustainable land management techniques;
• Techniques in the area of local processing and conservation of agricultural products are acquired;
• The income of the 50 women farmers is improved;
• Soil yield is improved.


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