O programa Saúde e Direitos Sexuais Reprodutivos dos Adolescentes (ASRH&R) e VIH promove o comportamento positivo entre adolescentes com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 25 anos. O programa visa adolescentes tanto dentro como fora da escola, emparelhando escolas e clubes fora da escola com organizações juvenis e centros de saúde, a fim de prestar serviços amigos dos jovens. O programa também forma educadores de pares para aumentar a sensibilização sobre o VIH/SIDA e ensina os adolescentes a reduzir o risco de gravidezes não planeadas. Algumas actividades e impacto até à data, desde o início do projecto em 2001
- 304/311 professores mentores foram formados em Educação Sexual Integral e diferentes tópicos de ASRH.
- 2005/1974 Educadores de pares foram formados em diferentes tópicos de ASRH, prevenção do VIH e abordagem de educação de pares.
- Foram realizados workshops 2/2 de representantes de "Conversas Nocturnas de Pais" sobre a abordagem da Comunicação Pai-adolescente (PAC).

The ASRH&R and HIV programme promotes positive behaviour among adolescents aged 10 to 25 years old. The programme targets adolescents both in and out of school, pairing schools and out of school clubs with youth organisations and health centres to provide youth-friendly services. The programme also trains peer educators to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and teaches adolescents to reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancies. Some activities and impact to date, since the inception of the project in 2018
• 58,754/70,000 people reached in 9 Districts through the Baho Neza Integrated campaign.
• 13,839/15,506 people received Family Planning services.
• 887/1000 people attended the launch of the Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Adolescents Health (RMNCAH) policy. 5/5 launch meetings for the new RMNCAH policy were conducted.

The Entrepreneurship and Innovation programme, aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among the youth. Through initiatives such as ArtRwanda-Ubuhanzi and Innovation Accelerator, the programme provides mentorship, training and financial support to young entrepreneurs and innovators, especially those seeking to provide solutions in response to challenges related to sexual and reproductive health, sexuality education, family planning, maternal health, among others. Some activities and impact to date, since the inception of the project in 2016
• 68 young artists benefiting from the ArtRwanda-Ubuhanzi Incubation centre.
• 207 artwork and creative products produced and sold in the ArtRwanda-Ubuhanzi selling point.
• 68 young artists and linked with investors.


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